25th July 2019

i suddenly noticed one of my underworked Margate paintings looked good: it was sketchy and used a simple muted palette. I felt inspired to work on the Margate paintings again and had more of an idea how to develop them further having worked on the small still life paintings which shifted on. I’ve taken a number of my paintings from the studio near the top of the house to the basement and have been working on them in the yard which has given me a better viewing distance. I’m working really well down here. i do have to be more careful the kids don’t brush up against them but I can also paint more around them. I’ve put more contrast between the sky and the sea and made the sea more solid so that the impressions of figures stand out more.

This is as far as I can take this one at the moment. I need to wait until I feel definite to move it significantly forward again.

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