MA Application

Welcome to my on-line page which contains links to  primary, secondary and tertiary artforms/galleries. I’ve also included  links to planning documents which help to explain my practice and research interests in light of my artist/educator identity. I’m currently trying to establish whether I can develop both my practice and educational research interests within a Fine Art Degree or whether I am better placed to study independently.

The first planning document provides an overview of work that I did in 2020 and The Making Art Materials/Research Interests documents represents current development. These are the most relevant documents to skim through ahead of an interview.


Portfolios & overview documents

Secondary Medium

Refer to planning document for details of ‘The Nature Of Wellness’ exhibition which will push and develop this series.

Defining my practice, influences and exhibition planning

Documenting independant planning in 2020 which led to clarity on key exhibitions or life works that I want to work towards.

Making Art Materials – Memoire Analysis

Pages from my memoire since Lockdown 2020 and analysis which reveals how my memoire supports strategic planning and is reflective of my identity, role and creative methodology.

Living with complexity

Please click above to find some extract pages from some practice based research where I reflected on my own practice using a journal. My exploratory work tends to be a blend of exploring materials whilst contemplating implications for educational activities which can then encourage children to develop art, craft and design skills from an early age using recycled materials. It also informs ideas for art pieces which convey my own artist messaging.

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